2020: Our Year in Review

2020: Our Year in Review

2020 wasn't the year any of us expected. It was marked by loss and hardships, cancelled plans and uncertain futures. But, within the darkness and confusion, were moments of light - babies were born, friendships were fostered, milestones were reached.

We couldn't have survived this year without those hopeful moments or the support of our loyal users. Despite the challenges 2020 introduced, Versus users showed a continued commitment to expanding their minds and improving their lives with our mobile EEG system. They inspired us to achieve great things too.

Join us in celebrating all that our users and our team accomplished this year!

Versus users worked hard and played hard.

NeuroPerformance Assessments
Versus Exercises

They zoned in and chilled out...

Focus Exercises
Stress Exercises

and set goals, then surpassed them.

Optimal Zone

Despite the distance, we stayed connected...

Email updates
Instagram posts

and shared bright ideas with you.

Brain Blast articles
Live webinars

Let's do even more in 2021.

What do you or your clients want to do next year? If the answer is to sleep more regularly, engage with family more fully, manage stress more effectively, or focus more consistently, we can help.

Add Versus into your routine or those of your clients in 2021 to see improvements in concentration, stress management, decision-making, multi-tasking, and more. The first step is easy - simply download the Versus app for free today.


Brain Blast | The Meandering Mind


Brain Blast | Fatigue on the Front Lines